Are you looking to acquire new equipment to maintain or develop a competitive edge for your business? In the current economic climate, more than ever, cash is king. Conserve your cash for other potential needs and acquire your equipment and services via an asset finance payment solution.
If you are acquiring new equipment for an expansion of your operations, or a desire to reduce operating costs with additional efficiencies, have you assessed what else in your equipment fleet could potentially be due for an upgrade to give you that competitive edge?
Did you know that you can combine acquisitions from multiple suppliers under one payment solution?
Combine your business equipment acquisitions into one payment solution to take advantage of cost savings provided from funding a larger value. It costs the financier as much in administration to fund a $2000 transaction as it does a $75,000 one, and they will look to pass the savings to you when you combine your finance requirements. In addition to the financial benefit, you will only need to go through the application process once, saving you time.
Combining your acquisitions also overcomes the minimum values often placed on payment solutions. If you have an additional requirement that is less than your payment solution providers minimum, you would traditionally not be able to acquire it using an asset finance payment solution. By combining it with your acquisition that meets the minimum, you can take advantage of the payment solution benefits, while conserving your capital.
If you are not able to combine acquisitions into one as your needs are not immediate, but you know what may be coming in the next quarter or so, have you considered setting up a Master Agreement? A Master Agreement allows you to complete the application process now and draw down on an approved facility as you need it over the next quarter, or similar.
Assess what you need for your business now and speak to an asset finance payment solution specialist like 3E Advantage to organise the most appropriate payment solution and your agreement approval. This enables you to start negotiating with your various suppliers now with the comfort of a pre-approval. Shop with confidence and save time and money.
We are now experiencing one of the lowest interest rate markets in our history and suppliers are keen to negotiate a sale. If you are in the financial position to consider it, now is the time to look to combine your acquisitions and reap the benefits. Contact 3E Advantage to find out more.
If you are an equipment vendor, current partner or otherwise, speak to 3E Advantage about how you can benefit from suggesting to your clients they combine acquisitions under one payment solution as part of your customised vendor partner program.