Partner Survey Feedback

News > Partner Survey Feedback

Thank you to the many respondents of our late 2024 partner survey.

We value your feedback as it helps us make informed decisions on how we can improve our products and services for the benefit of our partners and their clients.

The responses on a whole were overwhelmingly positive. The 3E Advantage team are all pleased to read that our partners appreciate the service and experience the 3E team offer to you and your clients.

As we had hoped, we also received some great feedback on areas we can continue to evaluate and evolve, to further improve on what we feel were some fantastic results.

Here are just a few points that the team have noted and will look to address in future planning and development:

  • We pride ourselves on the quality of training we deliver, and this was backed up with some positive scores from respondents. It was noted though that we can still improve on the frequency of our training and perhaps broaden our topics. Our BDM’s will take this feedback into consideration when creating future training plans for partners.
  • Our overall service scores and speed to response were high and did experience an up lift from our previous survey, which is pleasing. However, respondents did indicate some areas in our transaction workflow that could improve. This included feedback on the DocuSign process and communication on milestones. The operations team will review the feedback and look for opportunities to enhance our workflow, where possible.
  • This was our first survey since we launched 3E-VIP. Whilst we encourage feedback on 3E-VIP via the dedicated feedback form within the portal, whenever a user wishes to submit it, there were some helpful suggestions that the 3E-VIP product team can assess and consider for future development.

Again, thanks to all that submitted a response to our survey.

These surveys provide us a with a snapshot in time for us to measure against, but we always encourage constant feedback from our partners. Please remember to reach out to your dedicated BDM at any time, or any other member of the 3E team.