As the year we would all rather forget draws to a close, it’s time to take the festive season to recharge, take stock and start planning for a positive start to 2021. Planning ahead Have you returned to the office? If like many businesses, you, or your employer, have maintained a work from home policy but are looking to...Read More
As part of the Australian Federal Government’s 2020 budget, business tax package (JobMaker), the previously available Instant Asset Write-off initiative -that applied to assets purchased prior to 31st December 2020 and first used before 30th June 2021- has evolved to become JobMaker – Temporary full expensing to support investment and jobs. The fundamentals remain the...Read More
What is important in a managed print finance offering and what must your finance partner offer? Availability of up to date usage data down to the meter level. Variable billing methods Ability to manage evergreen volume-based agreements of large revolving fleets Cost-centre billing down to a device level Structured training Availability of up to...Read More
Are you looking to acquire new equipment to maintain or develop a competitive edge for your business? In the current economic climate, more than ever, cash is king. Conserve your cash for other potential needs and acquire your equipment and services via an asset finance payment solution. If you are acquiring new equipment for an...Read More
So much of our consumer life has become pay-per-use, or on subscription. This trend is becoming more and more common in the business world too under various names – Pay per use, Xaas (anything as a service), cost per measure, pay per measure and the list goes on. As a business equipment or services vendor,...Read More
A critical part of any pay per use finance solution, where variable payments are anticipated, is that of the billing and collecting process. If you are a business equipment or services vendor that is using an asset finance partner or currently considering a partner, you no doubt rely, or will rely, on them for some or all the...Read More
Do you sell to government, education or large corporate clients? If you do, no doubt you have experienced the tender response process, or the negotiations involving multiple legal and operational parties to progress to a signed order. For many government, education or large corporate clients, it is expected that you will offer a finance solution. One that is...Read More
Guest post: By Allan O’Donnell of JCurve Solutions The coronavirus crisis (COVID-19) has brought sweeping changes to daily life. One significant change for businesses has been the work from home (WFH) revolution. Numerous employers and employees alike believe that coronavirus will change the way we work permanently, with working from home becoming the norm. Whether you’re...Read More
You finance your computer equipment, copiers, furniture, plant and machinery and cars for your business. Did you know, you can also finance your software? This is done with 3E Advantage’s Software and Services Agreement. How does software finance differ from hardware finance? Hardware finance is straightforward for most finance providers. They have a tangible asset, that in most cases has a serial number and that has...Read More
Most IT vendors and resellers are familiar with financing when it comes to hardware sales, but are you aware that you can also fund 100% software sales? With the right payment solution partner, you can access software financing for your software and services solutions. How does software finance differ from hardware finance? Hardware finance is straightforward for most...Read More