
Happy Birthday 3E

Happy 4th Birthday to the 3E team

My diary reminder went off “3E Advantage Birthday of incorporation – incorporated 22 January 2015”. I could not believe 4 years had passed already. It seems like only yesterday I wrote a reflection on our first year. You can read that original post here. Well I think it is time to slow down a little,...
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3E outgrows its start-up office space

3E Advantage has experienced some phenomenal growth over the past few years. Off the back of that growth, 3E has recently invested heavily in additional staff and resources to ensure continued exceptional service for our partners and clients. This growth, both in results and resources, has seen us outgrow our original office.
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The importance of culture at 3E

Everyone talks about culture and every Job Advertisement I see, without fail, states what an awesome culture the hiring organisation has. But what does that actually mean? I have been fortunate in my career in that the few companies I have been employed with all have good cultures and people. However, whether you are a...
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Recruiting the perfect 3E employee

Is there such a thing as the perfect employee? Plenty have told me over the years (mostly tongue in cheek) that they are the “perfect employee” Maybe I’m too cynical but the perfect employee is not easy to find. The discussion we are having at 3E at the moment is, when we are hiring new...
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Microsoft, LinkedIn and my dad

What does one enormous global entity buying up another have to do with my dad who is an accountant in a small town in the Scottish Borders? Rewind almost 30 years to the time where my career was just getting started and my dad and I were sitting having a chat about whether I’d made...
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How to leverage multiple relationships for the benefit of all

Let me explain … Recently, a valued partner of 3E who was providing a software and services solution to one of their clients, introduced us to their client in order that we could provide a 3-year payment solution, rather than them paying the full amount up front. The client had a long standing relationship with...
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How to create an empowered team with 4 simple questions

I will start off by letting you know this is certainly not an original idea of mine but has served myself and teams I have worked with very well over a number of years. I like to work in teams that are empowered to make decisions to deliver excellent client experiences and outcomes. The way...
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How does the weather impact our mood?

Myself and my daughter have just returned from two weeks seeing my family and friends back home in Scotland. My family means the world to me and it was also awesome to catch up with all my old friends and reminisce. I like to go back at least once a year and normally I go...
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Accelerated asset depreciation – how it could benefit you

The annual Federal Budget can turn most people off very quickly (myself included) but every now and then there is a little golden nugget and the announcement by Scott Morrison earlier this month that the instant asset write-off scheme has been extended to small businesses who have annual turnover of up to $10million was one...
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The importance of taking a break

Throughout my career, whilst I have worked for various organisations, the majority have insisted on staff having at least one 10-day break (2 weeks) each year. A policy that earlier on in my sales career I never really understood. However, now I completely get it. There is a raft of reasons why it is good...
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